What Is IV Therapy?
IV therapy is one of the safest and most efficient ways to provide your body with all the right nutrients. Sound nutrition can play a big role, but even a healthy diet may not be sufficient to give a full amount of bioaccessible nutrients. 785 Aesthetic Med Spa is proud to offer IV therapy to replenish and revitalize you.
Our team administers fluid and electrolytes through a simple intravenous drip, with the typical treatment lasting no more than half an hour. The nutrients administered via IV go straight to your bloodstream, resulting in a higher rate of absorption and more effective use.

The Benefits
IV therapy boasts several benefits. Depending on the nutrients you choose for your IV, the benefits might include the following:
- Improved immune system
- Relief from cold and flu symptoms
- Relief from morning sickness
- Improved hydration
- Enhanced athletic performance
- Weight reduction
How Does It Work?
For IV administration, you will have the chance to relax in a comfortable chair while we carefully place the IV in your arm. The infusion itself will last from 30 to 60 minutes, providing you with vitamins and nutrients that are 100 percent bioavailable. In other words, your body will immediately start absorbing them.
How Long Do the Benefits of IV Therapy Last?
Because IV therapy offers 100% nutrient absorption, you can expect your levels to remain elevated for two to four weeks following your treatment. This can vary based on how depleted those levels are when you join us for treatment.
What Conditions Can I Treat With IV Therapy?
IV therapy can address any number of issues and concerns, including:
- Alzheimer’s/Parkinson’s
- Cancer
- Cardiovascular disease
- Chronic fatigue
- Chronic inflammation
- Fibromyalgia
- Hangovers
- Migraines
- Morning sickness
Is IV Therapy Safe?
The vitamins, nutrients, and peptides we use for IV therapy are all known to have nutritional benefits and low risks of serious side effects. There is always a possibility of some minor pain, redness, or swelling at the injection site, but other side effects are exceedingly rare.
Improve Your Whole-Body Health with IV Therapy
IV therapy is a safe, effective way to fortify your body with nutrients, improving your overall health, energy level, and quality of life. To find out more, schedule a consultation with 785 Aesthetic Med Spa at 785-227-9235.