Aging facial skin and deepening wrinkles are an inevitable part of the aging process. However, that doesn’t mean you’re left without options if you’re apprehensive about committing to an invasive surgical procedure such as a Facelift or Neck Lift. With advancements in the aesthetic arts industry, there are noninvasive solutions designed to improve the appearance of skin laxity, reduce fine lines, and enhance the silhouette of your neck and jaw.

The Non-Invasive Approach to Facial Aging

There are three unique non-surgical procedures that can help you achieve your desired aesthetic goals, FaceTite™, AccuTite, and MyEllevate® by InMode. Although each treatment works differently to target areas of concern, they are all minimally invasive and can be performed under IV sedation from the comfort of our med spa. With marginal downtime required, you are able to return to your routine in as little as 7-10 business days. Patients are pleased with the natural, lasting results these treatments offer without surgical intervention.

FaceTite: What Is It and How Does It Work?

FaceTite is an FDA-approved facial rejuvenation procedure that utilizes the power of radiofrequency energy to target excess facial fat and tighten the skin. By stimulating collagen production and breaking down fat, FaceTite effectively addresses elasticity concerns, loose skin, and wrinkles to reveal a firmer, more youthful appearance.

AccuTite: What Is It and How Does It Work?

For clients looking to target smaller areas of concern like smile lines and delicate skin around the eyes, AccuTite is the perfect solution. Also known as “Baby FaceTite,” AccuTite uses similar radiofrequency technology but boasts the smallest contraction device on the market. It simultaneously melts fat and oil under the skin while contracting the surface to smooth and refresh your appearance. Depending on the treatment area, sessions can be as short as 20 minutes and yield dramatic results!

MyEllevate® Jawline Contouring:  What Is It and How Does It Work?

Neck tissue is thin and prone to sagging as we age. If you’re insecure about the laxity of your neck or desire a more defined jawline, but are reluctant to undergo invasive surgery, MyEllevate may be the ideal treatment!

MyEllevate is an innovative facial rejuvenation procedure designed to treat the contour of the neck and lower jaw in a minimally invasive manner while still achieving natural, long-lasting results. It’s been dubbed the “MyEllevate Neck Lift” because of the efficacy of the treatment, especially when paired with liposuction.

Enhance Your Results

For the ultimate, transformative experience, FaceTite, AccuTite, and MyEllevate can be combined with other treatments like CO2 Laser Skin ResurfacingMorpheus8™ Microneedling, and RF Skin Tightening. The best part? No additional downtime is required!  

Start Your Transformation Journey Today!

During your consultation, our specially trained estheticians will discuss your goals and create a personalized procedure plan to achieve your desired results. Embrace the new you and say hello to a more confident, youthful version of yourself. Take the first step on your journey of transformation, schedule a consultation today!

Written by Tamara Yaple, RN