What is Kybella?

Even a small amount of extra fat in the upper throat can cause the appearance of a “double chin,” which may create embarrassment. The extra pockets of fat underneath the chin or the submental area occur because of aging, genetics, or weight fluctuations. When this happens, you may have a softer jawline and a less defined profile. At 785 Aesthetic Med Spa, Dr. Patrick Lucaci is happy to provide a new technique to reduce neck fat. Approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), KYBELLA® is the first nonsurgical option for upper neck fat. The active component in Kybella is a synthetically made version of deoxycholic acid, which works like the body’s natural DA. The Kybella formula helps break down and absorb fat cells. After injecting it beneath your chin, you can see a noticeable decrease in the amount of fat. When we complete the Kybella injections and target the fat, the cells will not reform so you can enjoy your new slimmer neck and jawline for years to come.

Am I An Ideal Candidate for Kybella?

The ideal patients for Kybella injectable treatments have additional fat in the upper neck or submental area, and it can create unwanted fullness or a double chin. This injection addresses stubborn pockets of fat that are difficult to decrease with usual weight loss methods because of genetics, aging, or other conditions. If you maintain a healthy, stable weight, but diet and exercise have not worked to decrease the fat underneath your chin, Kybella may work well for you. While we can use Kybella to treat small or moderate sections of fat in the upper neck, larger pockets of fat may require surgical liposuction.

The Benefits

Most patients who have Kybella injections are highly satisfied with their experience. There are a number of reasons for this:

  • Kybella uses acids that are found naturally in the body, making it safe and generally quite successful for people with mild to moderate fat below their chin.
  • Kybella represents a non-surgical alternative to liposuction and other, more invasive methods. There is no need for anesthesia or its associated risks.
  • Because Kybella destroys fat cells completely, the results are permanent. When you get Kybella injections, you can expect your outcome to last a lifetime.
  • With Kybella, you can enjoy a smoother chin-to-neck transition, resulting in a natural, youthful look.

How is Kybella Performed?

We perform Kybella in one of our private procedure rooms. After cleaning your skin, Dr. Lucaci applies a numbing ointment to the treatment area to help keep you comfortable. The injection takes about 15 – 20 minutes to complete. During this time, we will carefully place small injections throughout the upper neck. Some patients may need one treatment to reach their goal while others may require multiple injections scheduled three weeks apart at 785 Aesthetic Med Spa.

What Is The Recovery Process For Kybella?

Kybella doesn’t require anesthesia so you can leave our office and resume your daily routine. You may have short-term swelling, bruising, or numbness below your chin, but this shouldn’t last more than a few days. Please call 785 Aesthetic Med Spa immediately if you notice any unusual side effects, like facial muscle weakness, difficulty swallowing, or if your smile is uneven. While the fat that we eliminate does not return, the remaining cells can become larger so you should maintain a stable weight after your Kybella injections to prevent new pockets of fat from developing. Ideal results leave your neck tighter looking and your profile more defined.

Reduce Neck Fat Today

Even if everybody else in your family has to conceal their genetic double chin, it does not mean you have to. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Patrick Lucaci to receive additional information about the new Kybella injections at 785 Aesthetic Med Spa in Salina, KS. Minimize neck fat so you can get a strong, well-defined jawline today.

*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.